Looking for the right T to wear to court? Pickleball Court that is. Looking for the right T to wear to Happy Hour? We have the perfect shirts for either occasion — whether you’re a day dinker or a night drinker. SlamDinkers is pleased to introduce our line of fun and festive pickleball T-shirts. What better way to let everyone know your priorities?
and remember, you should NEVER dink alone!
All Ts are $22 except 2X Unisex are $24
Pickleball Beer Shirts
Beer, if drunk in moderation, softens the temper, cheers the spirit and promotes health.
–Thomas Jefferson
It is thought that humans first quenched their thirst with a beer between six and seven thousand years ago, making it the oldest beverage produced by man. For a long time, it was consumed as much or more than water since it was safer to drink. Today we don’t have that excuse, but we sure know there’s nothin’ like an ice-cold frothy beer after a great afternoon of pickleball!

Pickleball Martini Shirts
Shaken or Stirred? Our martinis are shaken because we’ve both been James Bond fans from the get-go. The shaken martini contains microscopic shards of ice, giving it a more pleasant texture or “mouthfeel.” Gotta have it!
H.L. Mencken once described the martini as "the only American invention as perfect as the sonnet.” Perhaps the drink is perfect, but few things these days are without controversy. Even the history of this classic drink has faced accusations of “fake news.” What may be safe to say is that the drink made its debut in the gold rush days of the 1880s. It was, according to many, either created in San Francisco, California and taken to Martinez, California, or created in Martinez and taken to San Francisco. Either way, we’re proud to display this classic on our comfy T with a pickleball in place of an olive.
Pickleball Margarita Shirts
There is some doubt about the origin of the margarita, one of the world’s most popular cocktails, but credit for its creation most often goes to Carlos Herrera, from Tijuana, Mexico. It's said that he first made the mixture circa 1938 or 1939 at his restaurant by mixing tequila, lemon juice, shaved ice, triple sec, salt, and…listo! It is now one of the world’s most popular cocktails. We couldn’t resist adding this refreshing drink (with a pickleball slice) to our t-shirt line.
Everyone has a hidden talent they don’t know about until the tequila is poured…

Pickleball Red & White Wine Shirts
What a difference a grape makes!
There is so much more to wine making than red wine produced from red grapes and white wine produced from, no, not white grapes, but green grapes. Seriously. But while the process of making wine is complicated, our T-shirts are not! We have included red and white wines in our T-shirt collection — feel free to choose one or the other, or if you just can’t decide — order one of each. You know…like you do at a restaurant sometimes.
Early indicators of wine production and consumption show its beginnings in Georgia around 6000 BC. You may be wondering, what makes one red and one white? A simple answer would be that red wines come from red grapes and white wines come from green grapes. While that’s partly true, it is far from complete. Another important difference is in the processing. Often, for red wines, the grapes are fermented in the skins retaining the seeds along with the pulp. Of course, there is much more to wine making but suffice it to say, that like the products themselves, the history of wine making is full, rich and pleasurable. Because at SlamDinkers we believe in fairness and balance, we have included both red and white wines in our T-shirt collection.
"Reminds me of my safari in Africa. Somebody forgot the corkscrew and for several days we had to live on nothing but food and water.”
–W.C. Fields.
Pickleball "Just a Splash" Shirts
George Bernard Shaw once said that “Whiskey is liquid sunshine.” It is, in fact, a distilled spirit made from a variety of grains, most commonly barley, corn, rye and wheat. Thought to have been developed in Mesopotamia between 1000 and 1200 AD, it was distributed throughout Europe by Christian monks. Called aqua vitae, or water of life, it was imbibed by kings and commoners alike. We are pleased to do our part to spread a little sunshine with our whiskey-splashing pickleball T.
Always carry a flagon of whiskey in case of a snake bite and furthermore always carry a small snake.
–W.C. Fields

Pickleball Whiskey "Double-dink Splash" Shirts
This variation on the “just a splash” T-shirt, took a couple of dinks for the pickleball to find its way into the whiskey glass.
Chicago Pickleball Shirts
For all you Chicagoans living in or out of the city, this T-shirt is for you! What better way to share your love for pickleball and your love for the "Windy City" than with one of our fabulous Ts? We care a limited number of sizes of both long and short sleeve women and unisex shirts